You need a Sketchy Video

Engage with Your Visitors

Sketch videos are amazing for engaging with your website visitors and potential customers, providing them something awesome to interact with.

Get More Leads and Sales

Adding an explainer video to your website can increase your conversions by 25%

Educate Your Audience

Your website will be remembered 58% more on average, then other sites without a sketch video.

Improve Your Rankings

You can see an increase in your website traffic up to 20% by simply ranking your video in Google, Yahoo or Bing.

You have only 54 Seconds

The average person will spend only 54 seconds on your website! You need something to grab their attention and fast.

Playing with Your Brain

These videos communicate with the brain in a totally different way, keeping your audience excited from start to finish.

"We recently opened our website and we needed a creative way to advertise our SEO services. saved us time and money with an awesome video explainer for our business!"

Dan Peterson, CEO at

Our Process is Simple

 Order a Sketchy Video

Get your Sketchy Video starting from $197. That’s it! It’s really that affordable. With Professional Voice Over included! You can order your sketch video here.

 Tell Us About Your Project

Share with us your video idea, by filling out a short form and tell us a little bit about your business and what kind of video you’re looking for.

 Writing The Script

We write the script and make sure you like it. You will have to approve it of course.

 We Create Your Video

It will take us about 3-5 days to make your video (depending on the lenght) also it will be FULL HD. You can now enjoy your Sketch Video.